UARK Graphic Design Research Methodology

Austin Woodward
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

When working on my final degree project for the Graphic Design program at The University of Arkansas, I keep asking myself, “How am I going to learn from the community I want to help?” Hopefully through this research methodology, I can begin to lay the groundworks for a plan of action for reaching my intended audience, and to begin gathering data from them. Various methods will be used to gleam quantitative and qualitative data from the NW Arkansas Queer community, including surveys, photo studies, and interviews. All of these can be combined to gather data on the NW Arkansas Queer community, and help work towards my how might we question “How might an app connect new and seasoned Queer trail users to make trail information more accessible and known?”

To research more on this question, and access the opinions of the NW Arkansas Queer community, I hope to use a survey to gather a larger amount of both qualitative and quantitative data, hopefully from as many community members as possible. This survey will target any NW Arkansas trail user and will just provide a question to choose sexuality. I’m doing this in order to compare and contrast between those who chose Queer or any LGBTQIA+ identity or sexuality in the survey, and those who chose heterosexual. A lot of data can be gathered through this survey, including age, sexuality, gender, favorite trail types, trail motivations, etc. By comparing a range of things against Queer trail users and non-Queer trail users, I can gather data on how to make trails more accessible to Queer trail users.

In addition to this survey, I hope to provide a question inquiring if participants want to be part of a more in-depth research methods: photo studies. I hope to reach out to those willing to participant, and ask them for photos, writings, or recordings they took while using various trails around NW Arkansas. Through these, I hope to gain a first person POV of how trails are used by these individuals. In addition, by providing a concrete tether for these participants memory, I can hopefully gather more in-depth data on positives and negatives of specific trails, and how they can be improved upon to make the trails more accessible.

Finally, in addition to a photo study and survey, I hope to interview and research more extensively existing programs in the United States that exist within the same realm as my project. Specifically, “Venture Out” is a Queer and Trans inclusive backpacking and wilderness safety program. Through interviews with their workers, and the provided testimonials on their website, I hope to gather data on how their program started, positive and negatives on its course of existence, and how they go about teaching the Queer community trail safety.

Through these various approaches, I hope to gather information from the community I’m trying to change — helping me work towards my goal of reclaiming The Natural State by making its various trail networks more accessible to new Queer trail users.

Survey Questions

What is your name?

What is your age?

What town do you live in?

What gender do you identify as?

What is your sexuality?

How often do you use trails?

Couple times a year

Couple times a month

Couple times a week

What type of trails do you use? (Choose all that apply)

NWA Greenway

Non-paved walking paths

Mountain biking paths

Cycling tails

Why do you use trails? (Choose all that apply)

Mental Health




What are your favorite types of trail?


Semi-paved (loose gravel, or other material)


How do you usually use tails? (Choose all that apply)







Where do you access information on trails?

Local Visitors Center

Map located on trail

App’s (if so, enter name)

Website (if so, enter name)

Other: _____________

Rate your general safety on the NWA Greenway

(very safe) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (unsafe)

Rate your general safety on un-paved trails

(very safe) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (unsafe)

Rate your general safety on cycling trails

(very safe) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (unsafe)

Would you be willing to participate further with this study?



If yes, what’s your email?

Photo Study Instructions

Hello! My name is Austin Woodward, thank you so much for wanting to participate further in my senior research project with The University of Arkansas! I know your asking yourself, what can I do to help? So here is what I need from you:

· An assortment of photos, written notes, or recordings from your favorite trails around NW Arkansas

· Memories you have of that trail, including: How you found this trail, how frequently do you use this trail, what you like/dislike about the trail.

· I’ll also want you to recall specific details on how safe you felt on this trail! Did the map make sense to you? Were trail markings clear and understandable? Was the trail easily marked?

· Walk me through each photo with all this in mind.

Thank you! Together we are working together to make a difference in the NW Arkansas community!

